586,805 views 3 Feb 2021 The Lost Legions Of Varus explores the flaws in Roman imperial policy, as well as the fralities of the human condition – factors both relevant in understanding the reasons behind the massacre in the Teutoberg forest. Odyssey is your journey into the world of Ancient History; from the dawn of Mesopotamia to the fall of Rome. We’ll be bringing you only the best documentaries that journey into the mysteries and ruins of worlds long lost.
Battle Of Teutoburg Forest : Massacre of 3 Roman Legions 20,000 soldiers
The Roman Empire was shaken to its core when 3 legions– 1/10th of the Imperial Army–was wiped out by Germanic warriors led by Arminius in the Teutoburg Forest.
Led by Quintilius Varus, a political figure rather than an experienced military mind, the Roman Empire suffered their “Custer At Bighorn” moment, a moment so troubling that many citizens questioned the survival of the Empire!
Does the Varian disaster shows what can happen when a politician leads an army?
Throughout history there have been numerous examples of politicians successfully leading armies. An obvious example is Julius Caesar. Before leading the army, Caesar worked as a prosecuting attorney for the empire.
Leading to the Varian disaster, Varus only dealt with the frontier in the Middle East and lacked experience fighting the more warlike Germanic tribes.
But, Varus was an experienced military mind!

Roman Empire expert and author of numerous books on the empire Lindsay Powell disagrees with the criticism of Varus. Powell said, “Firstly, Quinctilius Varus was an experienced commander having seen action in the Alpine War (15 BC) and Judaea (4 BC). As ‘legatus Augusti pro praetore’ his was a military posting. Augustus appointed Varus. With ‘imperium’. And Varus was required to wear a commander’s panoply while on duty. Secondly, to become a magistrate in the Roman ‘res publica’ meant competing one’s way up the ‘cursus honorum’, which mixed civil and military positions. Having that experience, the enduring and almost unanswerable question remains. Why was he apparently so easily duped? See the profile on pp. 264-5 in my Augustus at War.”
Furthermore, since the Germanic tribes constantly fought each other, they were experienced warriors. Moreover, repared to fight the Romans when Arminius unified and guided them.
The size of the Germanic forces is unclear, but they might have heavily outnumbered the Romans, as the previously hostile tribes came unified under Arminius.
Arminius had served in the Roman army and knew its weaknesses. His ambush was a military masterpiece.

Arminius says goodbye to his wife Thusnelda, Johannes Gehrts (1884)
Firstly, Varus was lured deep into what he thought was a friendly country. And Varus had to deal with a non-existent revolt far away.
When he arrived at the distant point and found no rebellion, Varus naturally decided to head home.
While returning, Varus–being a civilian official rather than an experienced general– made numerous mistakes. Including not having scouts on his flanks. As a result, the Roman Army was laden with luggage. And was stretched out in a line several miles long along a forest path.
When the Germans ambushed in a densely wooded forest, the Roman army had no chance of countering the attack. In addition to Varus’ mistakes, the thick trees put the Roman battle strategies at a disadvantage.
Teutoburg Forest Today

While the Romans could have formed up and fought effectively in an open plain, Arminius’ perfect timing put them in a precarious position. Presumably, some parts of the column did not even know about the attack for a while!

Heavy Roman shields proved tough to handle during the ambush.
At this point, with Germans enjoying every tactical advantage imaginable, the size of forces would not have mattered. It was almost inevitable that the entire legion would be massacred.
In conclusion, Roman historian Suetonius wrote that Emperor Augustus was beside himself by the news. “The Emperor was inconsolable and repeatedly banged his head against his palace walls shouting, “Quintilius Varus, give me back my legions…”’.