ROMAN Abramovich confirmed tonight he has been the victim of a suspected poisoning – allegedly using chemical weapons.

Reports claimed he went blind for several hours and skin peeled off his hands and face after he joined peace talks between Russia and Ukraine.
Roman Abramovich has suffered suspected poisoning

The Chelsea owner experienced peeling skin and red eyes

Abramovich hand-delivered a note to Vladimir Putin just weeks ago
The sanctioned Chelsea owner, 55, is said to have suffered alarming symptoms along with two Ukrainian peace negotiators, after reportedly eating poisoned chocolates at the peace talks.

The alleged attack was blamed on hardliners in Moscow who want to sabotage the talks and continue Putin’s bloody war, although some said Abramovich may have been poisoned by mistake.

Symptoms included red eyes, constant and painful tearing, and peeling skin on their faces and hands, reports the Wall Street Journal.

Abramovich also lost his sight for several hours as a result of the attack in the Ukraine capital Kyiv earlier this month, according to The Guardian.